Sunday, August 28, 2011

Seeing Sideways - Expectations? What Expectations?

All right. Course expectations, eh?

I have to admit that, after the first day of class in Seeing Sideways, it reminded me of one of the new media courses called...I believed it was called Creative concept development. Seeing as there is some remarkable similarity of that course to this one, if the two are talking about creative development, then obviously my expectations for this course, Seeing Sideways, is most likely going to be expecting this course to teach me how to be more creative, per se.

It would be awesome to know how to tackle an idea from a different perspective, how to develop something original and unique that won't be a rinse & repeat of 90 thousand other ideas...maybe even how to voice an idea and bring it to an actual possibility, instead of retaining it as an imaginary concept, if the course can teach me that.

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