Monday, December 15, 2008

It's...It's done!

CGT251 Final Project - Character design walk cycle!!!

Sketches are on the post beneath this. TwT~<3

Monday, December 1, 2008

Work in progress - Character design

Work in progress - the sketch, and the final look on illustrator.
All that's left is to get the design onto flash, and all should be well. o3o;

Monday, November 10, 2008

Kinetic Typography - Why so serious?

Let's just simply say that I did have some amusement making this flash - but the tedious work involved is shall we say, enlightening.

Anyways, without further adeau --

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Final Interface Designs;

Music, from Wandering Sophie of Howl's Moving Castle. o3o
Taipei City! D<
Print Ad
Last Samurai. And no, don't ask. Dx

Music Interface Design

I'm just about ready to collapse onto bed from exhaustion. Committed overkill/berserk/total ripping apart/tearing apart/recreating with this design - using the music "Wandering Sophie" from Howl's moving castle. What's worse, got myself soaked halfway back to the apartments before working on this blasted thing. So not only am I tired, wet, smelly, and miserable, it's nearly 4 in the morning and class starts at 9.


I'll have to remind myself to bring my pillow with me when I go to class. x_x;;

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Update - Photograph Interface Design

Whew...took about 4 hours to complete this one. Made the tone intentionally darker to accentuate highlights and the labels to give an - attempt - at a pleasing look.
Soo....opinions? o3o;

Monday, October 6, 2008

Work in progress - Update

Result of "Print Ad" Inspiration. Kind of went berserk with the idea due to finishing this darn thing after 3 in the morning and getting lack of sleep prior to class today. -_-;;
Upgraded version. Need some input about these items. ;_;

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Interface Design 1 - The Last Samurai

From The Last Samurai.

...And the end result from taking inspiration from The Last Samurai. Still a work in progress, but I think it turned out rather well, for once. D:
Now to keep my notebook alive before it crashes on me while I do the others. ;x;

Monday, September 29, 2008

VEER Interface Design - Work in progress;

Things I'll be using for the Veer interface design. D: Sketches are underway.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Illustrator Friday - Island theme?!

Nuff said. For the second illustration for Illustrator Friday - the theme is....
Let's see how you, the reader percieve it. o3o;;

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Theme of Clutter --

My theme of clutter. This is my first time trying out Illustrator Friday, so....
Anyways, without further adeau.
While describing what this is from me wouldn't be fun at all, I would like to ask the audience to answer this simple question...

What do you see in this pic?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Work in Progress - Illustrator Friday: Theme Clutter

Soo...working on the theme of clutter.
...........This is going to be tougher than I thought.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Final Comprehensive --

Well, the final logo as it is. Rather than the childish look that I noticed in my comprehensive ones I did for my three logos, I figured that some sharp curves and straight lines denote more of a professional look that may portray the message better than just simple curves. Of course, strokes were discarded just because it would interfere on how people would view the logo, creating some obstructions that would create complications.
So to make it simple, direct, and as simplistic to the point - coccoon around the car with dark, saturated color, emphasizing the point. Shield guard with TASI directly painted on the shield to give the message of protection - and some light decorations around the shield, depending on what type of car you want...
Other than that, the output looks better than the last ones. But that's just my personal opinion.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The 3 Comprehensive designs for the TASI logo. Keeping the color scheme and design as simple as possible to try and convey the message without getting misunderstood by the audience.

Had two versions with very slight edit - the circular areas that are to depict the active safety systems. It looks fine from the computer, but just in case that people can't see the area well due to the coloring scheme...

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

TASI Thumbnails - Work in Progress

Working on some logo concepts for TASI.

Monday, August 25, 2008


Blog is up and working!