Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Journal Entry - Week 2

Welp. The Professor is sick, and we got a TA substituting for her class. We learned the 7 P's, but I believe we'll be able to get something more detailed when the Professor comes back next week for further lecturing. Also - weather is unbearably cold. It'll be a good week. For the Assignment -- 7Ps Framework Purpose: Why are you doing this? Who is it for? - For myself, and to give it to the general gaming audience. Also for a portfolio reel and a demo product to get a job, of course! Product: What will it do? How will it support the purpose? - A video trailer that'll be 2 minutes long max, followed by the first level of the game made in UDK. People: Who needs to be involved? How are they involved? - The typical production pipeline for animators, modelers, programmers, conceptual art, the whole nine yards. Process: What tools do you need? Time? Space? - A powerful computer, a workforce, time, and the softwares needed such as Maya, UDK, Adobe softwares, etc. Pitfalls: Plan for failure. Back up? - 2 minute video trailer can be done, without the game. Prep: Research? - cgsociety.org, etc. Pratical Concerns: - Finding the people to help me with it, and using the equipments available on campus to promote and work on the project.

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