Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Final Interface Designs;

Music, from Wandering Sophie of Howl's Moving Castle. o3o
Taipei City! D<
Print Ad
Last Samurai. And no, don't ask. Dx

Music Interface Design

I'm just about ready to collapse onto bed from exhaustion. Committed overkill/berserk/total ripping apart/tearing apart/recreating with this design - using the music "Wandering Sophie" from Howl's moving castle. What's worse, got myself soaked halfway back to the apartments before working on this blasted thing. So not only am I tired, wet, smelly, and miserable, it's nearly 4 in the morning and class starts at 9.


I'll have to remind myself to bring my pillow with me when I go to class. x_x;;

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Update - Photograph Interface Design

Whew...took about 4 hours to complete this one. Made the tone intentionally darker to accentuate highlights and the labels to give an - attempt - at a pleasing look.
Soo....opinions? o3o;

Monday, October 6, 2008

Work in progress - Update

Result of "Print Ad" Inspiration. Kind of went berserk with the idea due to finishing this darn thing after 3 in the morning and getting lack of sleep prior to class today. -_-;;
Upgraded version. Need some input about these items. ;_;

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Interface Design 1 - The Last Samurai

From The Last Samurai.

...And the end result from taking inspiration from The Last Samurai. Still a work in progress, but I think it turned out rather well, for once. D:
Now to keep my notebook alive before it crashes on me while I do the others. ;x;